Vice-Principal's Desk

Vice-Principal's Message

There is a saying, “if you want to walk fast, go alone but if you want to walk long, walk along with others.” “You alone can talk but together we can converse, you alone can enjoy but together we can celebrate.” Above quotes suggest that today people have become more and more self-centred, egoistic and closed up to oneself. The world today is ruled by the principle of if I am okay, everyone is okay. Very few are able to look beyond their nose or beyond themselves. The world today stands in need of cultivating the attitude of other- first and me -second or if other is okay, I am okay. What will not benefit the other, I must not do to the other or what does not serve the common good, one must refrain from, or what builds up relationship among humans, one must do at any cost. Then we can march towards future with confidence and hope that humanity will prosper in the days to come. SAS aims at cultivating this attitude in its pupils and thus prepares them to be responsible, loving, caring and altruistic human beings, the society will be proud of…………….

Fr. Marianus Hansdak, TOR St. Antony’s School, Vice-Principal