About School
Get to Know About our School.
The school is an incarnation of
self-respect, love, affection, sensibility, responsibility and compassion which puts the students into a "FRAME" blending the negative and positive aspects. Helen Keller rightly said,
"the world is moved along not only by the mighty shower of its heroes but also by the aggregate of the tiny pushes of each honest worker" We live in a highly competitive world with a basic knowledge
of art and craft, science, technology, and literature for success.
About School
Get to Know About our School.
We are thankful to Rev. Fr. Shinoj K TOR, Rev. Fr. Jacob TOR who came up with a brilliant idea of introducing the first magazine and entrusting us with the task. We also thank the teachers and students for their efforts,
who have contributed a lot in bringing up this magazine up this magazine and wish them every success in life.